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Join the HFHBG

Hope & Anchor back parlour bar
We are always looking for new members to support us in our work. This
can be either through subscriptions and/or practical help. Both are vital
to what we do, especially the subscriptions which are our only form of
regular income.
We welcome individual members and community groups.
At just £10 a year for individuals and £15 a year for groups,
membership is extremely good value and brings with it some great benefits:
- two free, illustrated, newsletters a year which will keep you up to
date with all that’s going in the historic environment in the
London borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
- an invitation to our annual meeting each autumn; this features our
chairman's annual report, a talk by a guest speaker on a relevant topic
and then a lively open discussion – and of course there are refreshments
(for which we ask a small donation unless generously provided by a sponsor)
- special events such as guided walks, canal and river boat trips and
our annual treasure hunt (events like these help us raise much-needed
funds for our work)
- the chance to meet and network with like-minded individuals
To join, simply download the application form, print and complete it and then send with your payment to the
Membership Secretary at the address shown on the form.
Download membership
application form (PDF format)
If you would like to get involved in our work in a more practical way
than simply by joining, please contact the Secretary via the Contacts
page. There is always plenty to do!
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